3 Things to Consider When Renewing Your Excursion Insurance Policy

Cruises are a great vacation option for many people, and as an excursion operator, it’s your job to provide fun and safe excursion opportunities for cruise line passengers. Your excursion participants are having the time of their life, and to make sure you can keep operating your business, you need excursion insurance. Excursion insurance covers you for any liabilities and also makes your excursion more accessible to cruise line passengers.

If you don’t already have excursion insurance or your policy is about to expire, there are a few important things to consider when renewing your policy:

1. Make Sure Your Policy Includes World Wide Jurisdiction Coverage

If you want to work with cruise lines and have your tour marketed to cruise line passengers it’s important that you have an excursion insurance policy that includes world wide jurisdiction coverage. Tour operators contracting with cruise lines must have world wide jurisdiction insurance from a company that works with tour services in many countries since world wide jurisdiction for liability is not limited to the country where the tour service is located. World wide jurisdiction can benefit cruise line passengers who are injured or suffer losses due to negligence since they can file claims or a suit against a tour operator from anywhere in the world.

2. Check A.M.Best Ratings 

All ground excursion operators working with cruise lines must carry liability insurance from a reliable carrier with at least an A- rating from A.M. Best's Consumer Insurance Center. The rating guarantees that your insurance company will be able to meet its financial obligations if necessary. An insurance company with a lower rating is not acceptable. 

3. Audit Your Own Excursion

It’s easy to think about what things could go wrong on your excursion, but to cover yourself completely, start thinking about things that could happen. Things like freak accidents, unexpected occurrences, etc. These things probably won’t happen, but it’s better to be safe than sorry when it comes to insurance. While some risks are obvious, it’s usually the hidden and unexpected ones that catch us off guard and leave us scrambling. 

Ensure the safety of your excursion while protecting passengers, and leaving your business in safe and secure hands. 

Better Safe Than Sorry

Keeping these 3 tips in mind when obtaining or renewing your excursion insurance policy should help save your business any major headaches. Sleep well at night knowing your company is protected, and that you will be able to clearly focus on delivering your services -- and making sure people on your excursion are having a fun and safe time!

If you have any questions about any of these topics covered in this blog post.. feel free to contact us and we can provide you some additional information or clarifications.

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